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Rules and Regulations

General Guidelines:

  • Students are normally expected to attend all classes. The minimum physical attendance required is 75%. Any student not fulfilling the required attendances.
  • Students should always keep their Identity Card with them. Students should participate in at least one of the extracurricular activities Organized by the college.
  • The student should abide by all the rules and regulations of the college.
  • If any student is found undisciplined inside or outside the institute, strict action.
  • Will be taken against her/him as per the rules.
  • Students should deposit the fees and dues well in time.
  • Ragging is strictly prohibited.
  • The use of mobile on college campuses is strictly prohibited.

Dress Code:

Students will have to attend the classes in the prescribed dress code compulsorily:

BOYS: Black Pant, Sky Blue Shirt, Blue Colour Tie, Black Shoes, and White Shocks.

GIRLS: Black Salwar, Sky Blue Kurta, Black Dupatta, Black Shoes, and White Shocks.